miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008

Electricity (Nikola Tesla) - iFriday

The iFriday for this week based on an old acrylic painting i did about Nikola Tesla, the most intelligent and coolest person who ever lived. "The Creator of the 20th Century".

Do yourself a favor and read some of his essays, this one is my favorite: A Means for Furthering Peace

El iFriday de esta semana es basado en una pintura acrilica que habia hecho hace algun tiempo sobre Nikola Tesla, la persona mas inteligente e interesante que ha vivido. "El Creador del Siglo XX".

Haganse un favor y lean alguno de sus ensayos. Este es mi favorito: A Means for Furthering Peace (texto en ingles)

9 comentarios:

Lola dijo...

too beautiful :)

Pedro Lara dijo...

Buen uso de las sombras, tiene un aire gotico que le sienta muy bien al personaje, cool!

Laura Pardo dijo...

wow! me declaro tu fan, amigo!

Juan dijo...


Josh (musarter) dijo...

Very nice character/portrait. It is great to see some work from Costa Rica, which happens to be one of my favorite places in the world.

sandra.d. dijo...

beautiful idea and portrait of nikola tesla, so special person from my country / yougoslavia/. ;]

James Elston dijo...

VERY nice!

me gusta mucho.

Rui Sousa dijo...

Excellent, just a perfect work!

SaiSai dijo...

Wow...where to start...I love the depth and the textures as well as the overall mood and character of it. It's a beautiful piece, Nikola Tesla would be pleased.